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assetsIt’s been said that the average web user today holds an attention span of about eight seconds. That means your website needs to act fast to grab their attention and stand out among the rest.

There are a number of key aspects to keep in mind when deciding how you want your brand’s website to look and function. If you’re starting to build your website, or considering refreshing an existing one, here are some ways you can make the most out of your digital platform.

Put What’s Most Important First

If you only have eight seconds to intrigue a web visitor, it’s important to waste no time. Your website viewers should be able to learn about who you are and what you do just by glancing at the first few sentences on your page. Giving a quick and concise overview of your brand can help cut straight to the chase. Users don’t typically enjoy having to do extensive research and digging to find out what your brand is about, so give them an introduction right off the bat. The quicker they are able to understand your mission and message, the quicker they can decide if your brand is the right fit.

Keep It Simple

If website users don’t find what they’re looking for in a short amount of time, they can abandon ship quickly, so keep your messaging brief and simple. Make sure the paragraphs on your site are short and direct using simple language. There is a lot of room for creativity when it comes to creating a website, but the verbiage should remain clear. Trying to use clever or intricate language when describing the work you do can confuse visitors, which will likely convince them to give up the chase. People inherently don’t like what they don’t understand.

Make Your Social Media Presence Known

Consumers can spend upwards of three hours a day browsing social media platforms, which is a significant difference from the eight seconds they devote to a website on average. To keep the conversation going after they close the browser tab, make your social media presence available. Linking to your brand’s social media profiles at the top and bottom of each landing can encourage visitors to seek you out elsewhere. If they are browsing on their phone, transferring their search over to a mobile-friendly app like Instagram can help keep them engaged.

It’s All About the Imagery

Many people feel the same way about books as they do websites – they enjoy looking at the pictures. For that reason, creative imagery should play a central role in your website content. There is one caveat: don’t go overboard. Using an overabundance of stock images can look forced and contrived. Preferably, your website should showcase real photos of your brand and your team. However, if you’re not able to integrate original photos in your web design, take some extra time to find the right stock photos that work best for you. This will help ensure that the images you use still convey who you are and what you do, even if you didn’t take them.

There are many factors that play into how your website is received and how effective it is in moving your brand forward. The tips laid out above are a good start to creating your online image, but it’s also important to continue developing and evolving your site as you go. You may only have eight seconds of a viewer’s attention, but a great website can change the course of a consumer’s decision and, eventually, your success.

Count on the experts at American Speedy Printing to review your website and branding elements to ensure you’re leaving people with a lasting impression.

Joe is passionate about helping SMBs. He’s spent the last 30+ years building the American Speedy Printing Marketing • Print • Mail – and sharing best practices and marketing trends with his customers. Through research, in-person visits and this blog, he hopes to engage with and empower local business owners and marketing professionals.

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