A Practical Approach Video Marketing


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Although a lot of tactics marketers rely on, including video marketing, are thought to only increase brand awareness, you can use video assets throughout the sales funnel to drive mid-level organizational goals, like lead generation and sales enablement.

video marketingFocus on a lot of meaty content for the phase when leads are looking to learn about your product or service. If you anticipate and answer questions before the viewer asks them, you’ll be in a great position to guide prospects through the funnel.

One of the best things about the current state of video marketing is that the barriers to entry are the lowest they’ve ever been. Between smartphones, quality webcams and tablets, everyone in the organization can be a content creator.

What to Measure
Video analytics are a great way to observe drop off rates and potential gaps in your content strategy.

If you notice, for instance, that users drop off 10 seconds into each of your videos, it’s clear the video intro is too long and not maintaining attention. If you notice that a video loses half of the audience before most of the video is complete, you know something’s not working and needs to be adjusted with the messaging.

A video hub of customer success stories or testimonials on your website is hugely persuasive, because a customer’s emotion really comes through with video. Prospects can view several clips when visiting your site in a short time, so make sure multiple customer types are represented.

Every business’s engagement metrics will be different, but there are goals you can reach for. You can start to tie videos to return on investment if you use each new piece of content to improve upon the metrics of the last. Some things you can aim to do include:

  • Collect X-number of leads with your videos.
  • Maintain the attention span of over 60% of your target audience watching right until the end of each piece of content.
  • Use calls to action to direct viewers in a linear path across your sales offerings to improve sales enablement.
  • Connect your video marketing to your CRM so you can use video viewing history to identify your hottest prospects.
  • Double your click-through rate for nurture campaigns by using video assets in email.

Need help with your video marketing and how it fits in your overall plan? Let American Speedy Printing know; we can help with ideation, production and promotion!

Joe is passionate about helping SMBs. He’s spent the last 30+ years building the American Speedy Printing Marketing • Print • Mail brand – and sharing best practices and marketing trends with his customers. Through research, in-person visits and this blog, he hopes to engage with and empower local business owners and marketing professionals.

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